Prepare for the A2 level CIPLE exam with us online
For 10 years we have been preparing students for the CIPLE exam and we are proud to have an almost 100% pass rate.
Who is the information session for?
This is a short exam preparation course for students who are at the level of the exam (or very close to it). Ideally you will have completed level A2.3 (2c) of the courses we offer, meaning that you are familiar with all the vocabulary and grammar you need, including the past tense.
We are running regular 30 minute info sessions for anyone interested in doing the CIPLE course. Learn all you need about our A2 exam preparation courses and get all your questions answered.
Offered every two weeks on Wednesdays 14h30
Next dates: 6 Mar, 20 Mar, 3 Apr, 17 Apr, 1 May, 15 May, 29 May, 12 Jun, 26 Jun, 10 July, 24 July