Every country has it's traditions and superstitions for going into the New Year, and Portugal is no exception. Do you know any of these?
1 - You should wear blue underwear! Deve vestir roupa interior azul.
2 - You should wear a new item of clothing. Deve estrear uma peça de roupa.
3 - At midnight, you should eat 12 rasins to the chimes of midnight and make wishes. Deve comer doze passas em cada uma das doze baladas e pedir desejos.
4 - You should toast with champagne. Deve brindar com champagne.
5 - You should make a lot of noise at midnight. Deve fazer muito barulho à meia-noite.
Are any of these the same as in your country? No seu país de origem
Desejo-lhes tudo de bom para o ano novo!